
Showing posts from February, 2021

Brunei Darussalam : a flower simpo.

 Brunei Darussalam                Brunei Darussalam : a flower simpo.                 Brunei's national flower is the flower Simpor (Simpor), also known as Dillenia, the native flower of Brunei. With large, yellow petals If it is in full bloom, the petals will resemble an umbrella. They can be seen along the Brunei rivers. Has properties to help heal wounds If anyone visits Brunei. Can be seen from the banknotes of 1 dollar in Brunei And in indigenous art as well

Kingdom of Cambodia : Dahlia flower.

 Kingdom of Cambodia                    Kingdom of Cambodia : Dahlia flower.                    Cambodia's national flower is Dahlum Duan (Rumdul), a white-yellow flower. The petals are thick and slightly hard. It has a cool scent. It is classified as an auspicious wood because it means fresh and fragrant. And are flowers for the ladies Correct planting method Must be planted in the northwest of the house More importantly, it must be planted on Wednesday.

Republic of Indonesia : orchid night.

  Republic of Indonesia                Republic of Indonesia : orchid night.                 Indonesia's national flower is the Moon Orchid, one of the longest blooming orchids. The inflorescences can be branched and can last for 2-6 months, with flowers blooming only 2-3 times a year. The night orchids can grow well in humid weather. It is easily seen in the low-lying areas of Indonesia.

Lao People's Democratic Republic : Humpalaw flower.

  Lao People's Democratic Republic                     Lao People's Democratic Republic : Humpalaw flower.                     The national flower of Laos is Champa Lao (Dok Champa). Thai people are well known as Plumeria flowers or Plumeria flowers. It is not specific that it must be white only, such as pink, yellow, red or other soft colors, the flowers represent happiness and sincerity. It is widely used for decorating ceremonies as well as being used as garlands to receive guests as well.

Malaysia : Hibiscus flowers

  Malaysia                Malaysia : Hibiscus flowers                 Malaysia's national flower is the hibiscus flower (Bunga Raya) in the local language it is called potpourri, commonly known as the red hibiscus flower, its petals are red. With stamens extending above the flowers Which was classified as the symbol of Malaysia To strengthen national solidarity and tolerance With the belief that it will help promote nobility and dignity It can also be used for medical and cosmetic purposes.

Republic of the Philippines : gardenia flowers.

 Republic of the Philippines                  Republic of the Philippines : gardenia flowers.                 The national flower of the Philippines is the gardenia (Sampaguita Jasmine). The flowers are white, the petals are star-shaped and have a nice scent. It is a symbol of purity, simplicity, humility. Including strength as well It has also been used to celebrate legends, stories and Filipino songs.

Republic of Singapore : Vanda orchids.

 Republic of Singapore                Republic of Singapore : Vanda orchids.                The national flower of Singapore is the orchid Vanda (Vanda Miss Joaquim) is the national flower. The Vanda orchid, named after the breeder is Miss Agnes Joaquim, is the most well known orchid in Singapore. It has a beautiful purple color and blooms all year round. It has been classified as the national flower of Singapore since 1981 (BE 2524).

Kingdom of Thailand : Dok Ratchapruek.

 Kingdom of Thailand              Kingdom of Thailand : Dok Ratchapruek.              The national flower of Thailand is Ratchaphruek, a beautiful yellow flower. When they bloom, they give a warm feeling. Considered as a symbol of dignity and dignity Which many Thais are well known as Dok Khun, believing that the glittering yellow color of the Ratchaphruek flower is the color of the Buddha.Religion and glory, as well as a symbol of the unity of the people of the nation. The Ratchapruek flowers will bloom during the months of February - May. There is a distinctive feature of the time to bloom is that the leaves are completely shed. Leaving only the glittering yellow color of the Ratchaphruek flowers only

Socialist Republic of Vietnam : Lotus.

  Socialist Republic of Vietnam              Socialist Republic of Vietnam                 National flower of Vietnam It is a flower that Thai people are familiar with, such as Lotus (Lotus) is the national flower. By the lotus is known as The "flower of the dawn" symbolizes purity, commitment and optimism. Lotus flowers are often mentioned in traditional Vietnamese poems and songs.

10. Union of Myanmar:Padauk flower

   Union of Myanmar             Myanmar:Padauk flower              The national flower of Burma is the flower Paduak (Paduak), a flower found mostly in Burma. Golden yellow It blooms and gives its fragrance in the first rainy season. In April, the same time that Burma is celebrated for the New Year, Burmese believe that the padauk flower is a symbol of strength, durability and an indispensable flower in Burmese religious ceremonies.